About me

I currently work on the NetInfra team at Google, where I help build network transports for GPU cloud. Previously, I received my Ph.D. from UC San Diego, where I was advised by Prof. Alex Snoeren. My research interests broadly lie in improving efficiency of modern data center operating systems and networking stacks. My Ph.D. research focused on building efficient user-level paging systems that enable application-specific optimizations for Far memory. A decade earlier, I was at IIT Kharagpur, where I graduated (with the Institute silver medal) in Computer Science and Engineering.

Publications (Google scholar)

Towards Flexible, Application-Guided Paging for Far Memory [ pdf
Ph.D. dissertation.

Eden: Developer-Friendly Application-Integrated Far Memory  [ pdf | code ]
Anil Yelam, Stewart Grant, Saarth Deshpande, Nadav Amit, Radhika Niranjan Mysore, Amy Ousterhout, Marcos K. Aguilera, and Alex C. Snoeren
NSDI '25 (to appear)

Limited Access: The Truth Behind Far Memory  [ pdf | code ]
Anil Yelam*, Stewart Grant*, Enze Liu, Radhika Niranjan Mysore, Marcos K. Aguilera, Amy Ousterhout, and Alex C. Snoeren

Memory disaggregation: why now and what are the challenges [ pdf ]

Marcos K. Aguilera,  Emmanuel Amaro,  Nadav Amit,  Erika Hunhoff,  Anil Yelam, Gerd Zellweger

ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, Volume 57

CoResident Evil: Covert Communication In The Cloud With Lambdas [ pdf | code ]

Anil Yelam, Shibani Subbareddy, Keerthana Ganesan, Stefan Savage and Ariana Mirian

The Web Conference ‘21 

SmartNIC Performance Isolation with FairNIC: Programmable Networking for the Cloud [ pdf ]

Stewart Grant*, Anil Yelam*, Maxwell Bland and Alex C. Snoeren


(*Co-first authors)

Other roles


Email me at ayelam at ucsd dot edu.